Funny… If someone had asked me 4 years ago in 2011, “What do
you think your life will be like in 4 years?”
I probably would not have anticipated that I would be sitting in what
has been called by some “the last frontier.”
Papua New Guinea is truly another world.
Sitting here in the midst of a myriad of cultures that still honor
simple things such as stopping everything each day at 10am and 3pm for “tea
time” or where people whom you know barely will stop and ask you questions about
yourself and spend more than 15 minutes to get to know you—on the spur of the
But, this is Papua New Guinea.
Do I miss back home?
Yes. I miss my children
dearly. I miss our friends and worship
at our church. I miss the little ones in
our church Sunday school. Ah, yes the
little ones who know how to remind me of what is important in life. Perhaps, the most difficult part of this walk
of faith has been understanding just that—it is a walk of faith.
Perhaps, you are wondering what all of this rambling is
about. I don’t know. Except to say that we each have a path that
the Lord has mapped out for us and unless we walk that path, we will never know
why we were placed on earth. Indeed,
without knowing why the Lord formed us into existence, we can never begin to
understand the price that Christ paid for us to live forever.
And so we trudge on—for the Kingdom!
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